lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018


This second term the weather is being so cold that some of us got a cold and had to go to the doctor's.
Here are some of the contents we have been learning:
Functions: going to the doctor's, using must, mustn’t and can to give advice.
  • Body: arm, elbow, wrist, hand, finger, leg, knee, ankle, toe, head, shoulder, stomach, hip, back.
  • Ailments: headache, earache, stomach ache, toothache, cold, cough, temperature, flu.
  • What's the matter with you?, I feel ill, I've got a...
  • You must drink water, You mustn’t take aspirin, You can visit friends.

At the Doctor's Video:

viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018



¿Qué dos deportistas españoles han conseguido medalla en los JJOO de invierno que se acaban de celebrar en Pieonchang, Corea del Sur?

Reto 2.-

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018


RETO 1.-

Hay una deportista española paralímpica que acumula un elevadísimo número de medallas en juegos paralímpicos, siendo una de las más laureadas de la historia de estos juegos. ¿Quién es? ¿Cuántas medallas ha conseguido? 

RETO 2.-

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018


This second term we aim to talk about past activities, here are some of the contents we're learning:  
 Functions:  Using the past simple to talk about past activities. 
Target Vocabulary:
·        weekend activities: Watch TV / a football match, stay at home / at a friend’s, play basketball / on the computer, listen to music / to the radio, help your mum / dad, talk on the phone / to a friend, walk in the park / the dog, tidy your bedroom / the living room. 
·        Past tense: went, read, wrote, wore, had, bought, did, saw,...
Target Language:  
What did you do at the weekend? 
I watched a film. 
She played basketball. 
I didn’t watch a film. 
They didn’t stay at home. 

Here are some links for our students to practice and learn: