domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018


This second term we aim to talk about past activities, here are some of the contents we're learning:  
 Functions:  Using the past simple to talk about past activities. 
Target Vocabulary:
·        weekend activities: Watch TV / a football match, stay at home / at a friend’s, play basketball / on the computer, listen to music / to the radio, help your mum / dad, talk on the phone / to a friend, walk in the park / the dog, tidy your bedroom / the living room. 
·        Past tense: went, read, wrote, wore, had, bought, did, saw,...
Target Language:  
What did you do at the weekend? 
I watched a film. 
She played basketball. 
I didn’t watch a film. 
They didn’t stay at home. 

Here are some links for our students to practice and learn: 


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